No SNS: a 30-Day Challenge

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a great time with your family and friends.

Actually, I enjoyed the time being alone.

I started to feel tired with my current life style; less nature, hustle and bustle of the city, and lots of homework.

So I decieded to do my best in order to reduce my stress.

One of them is to stop using SNS.


Fortunately, I found my buddy to take on the challenge just this morning. He is my advisary teacher in my school.


Let me introduce the exact rule for it. Basically we are not allowed to use any social media platforms; Facebook(Except for my business group), Instagram, Twitter, and we can use Messanger, Line and Whats App only three times per day and reply to messages. Then only mode of communication using interenet is email.  We have informed our friends and family that they can contact us through email or phone.

These are the times for email, messenger and LINE: 8:30, 11:50 and 18:00.


We are excited what’s in store for us after 30-days.









具体的には、Facebook(仕事に使っているグルーブを除く)、 Instagram、 Twitterを使わないこととし、連絡などで必要ななどは、昼食前にチェック返信することにしました。基本的に近い友人や家族には何かあれば、メールや電話をもらえるようにお願いしました。


